Form 1 Week 6

Salve Form 1.

This week we are looking at the Gracchi and their significance as bringers of social change to Rome.

The biography sheet and true, False, Not Enough Evidence sheets can be found here:

This week's homework: complete the sources sheet I will hand out in class.
make sure you answer the questions in detail.
There is a fifth, extra question: e) using all 3 sources, was military strength the main reason for Rome's success? Explain in detail.

The sheet can be found here:

NB - here is the document on how to write an essay:

Finally, a video series on the Gracchi brothers:


  1. Replies
    1. Group B - Wednesday, Group A - Tuesday (usual days)

  2. Hi Sir, it's Nimansa here. For the exam, do we have to revise the Roman Empire sheet? Thank you!

    1. Which sheet is that? Show me the one you mean in class. our exam won't be until December so plenty of time.


  3. Sir can we do the homework on a another paper there is not enough space on the sheet

  4. sir is there spelling error in the first question?

    1. No, it reads right, but is a bit confusing - perhaps 'a from-the-time source' is better.

    2. Hi Sir, Nimansa here! I was just wondering whether we need to know any specific dates as such for the exam or Not? Are there any main dates you would like us to memorize? Thanks a bunch!😀

    3. Hi Nimansa, the study notes will be out soon after we come back and will contain all the facts you need to remember, thanks

  5. Sir could you please post the 'Modal Essay' notes


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