Form 1 Week 5

Hi Form 1 students.

This week we are going to continue thinking about how Rome organised itself - politically, socially, militarily.

A presentation on Roman organisation can be found here:

And a good youtube video on the organisation of the Roman army:

Homework this week:

1) Read page 16 of your textbooks. (5 mins)
2) Complete only questions 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 4 (NOT question 3) from p.17. Write answers in your books in full sentences under the heading 'The Roman Republic'. (20 mins)
3) Read pages 28-29 of your books. (5-10 mins)
4) Complete only questions 1a, 1b, 3a and 3b from p.29. Full sentence answers please. Continue under the subheading 'Citizens'.(15 mins)

Due: Next Tuesday (Group A); next Wednesday (Group B)


  1. Sir i accidentally wrote the answer to question 1 b in question 1a so should i write it again as a seperate answer???

    1. No problem, just indicate clearly which answer is which.

  2. Sir i accidentally skipped question 2b on page 17. Is it okay if i draw an arrow showing that my work is supposed to be before question 4?

  3. Replies
    1. sir should we also complete the questions we started in class if we didn't finish them?
      Kieran(in case you can't see who I am)

    2. No need, we can do them in class.

  4. Sir could you please post the 'Rome's Social System' you wrote on the board?

  5. Hi sir this is Amaya (Group B) and i was wondering if we could print the answers and questions?

    1. That's OK this time but please hand write in future as it is good practice for exams

  6. Replies
    1. Yes, that's OK for this essay but try to hand write in the future, thanks

  7. Sir is this due for the 8th of October or the 15th?

    1. This one is due this coming week, so either Tuesday 9th or Wednesday 10th


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