Form 4 Week 3

H Form 4, welcome to Week 3 of the term.

This week we will be continuing to look at the origins of the Cold War. We will go into greater detail on the Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam conferences.
You can find the PowerPoint here:

Feedback on your last homework - there was some difficulty in finding the answers to the first worksheet on ideological and historical differences. In future, if you are struggling, please post a comment on the blog. Then I can give some advice, or we can start a conversation among the class about the topic, and assist each other in developing our understanding.

Answers to the second sheet were generally stronger but you do need to fill in all empty boxes of the table. The second column especially, which required you to think about what future tensions may have arisen from certain decisions reached at Yalta.

Answers to WS1:
Answers to WS2 (Yalta/Potsdam):

Your homework this week is in two parts:

1) Source analysis - Interpretations of the Yalta Conference Complete the worksheet in your booklets titled Interpretations of the Yalta Conference. Follow the instructions exactly - use the correct pen colours to colour-code each section of your responses. Spend about 60 minutes on this.

2) Map activity - Iron Curtain Use the Iron Curtain map worksheet in your booklets to guide you on this - follow the instructions and create your own map to show the 'Iron Curtain' that emerged in Europe by the late 1940s. Spend about 40 minutes on this. 

And finally, in the news: a recent NPR story on how Japan is resurrecting Cold War-era anti-missile drills:; and a story on Russia and Belarus conducting some Cold War-style war games:


  1. Sir, what were we supposed to have written for the Personalities Section (Sheet 2)?

  2. See the answers at - a summary of the Big Three and their positions/character traits/motivations

  3. Hi, Sir. In the powerpoint, what's the last word on slide six? About tensions at Yalta.

  4. I've fixed the slide now, so you can read the last sentence. Thanks for the heads up


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