Form 4 Week 5

Hi Form 4!

this week we will focus on the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan and the Berlin Blockade/Airlift.

Here is a PowerPoint which analyses the cartoon we looked at in class:

The full speech of Truman's address to Congress in March 1947 can be found here:

and the audio of the main part can be found here:

George C. Marshall's speech to Harvard can be found here:

And here is the video we watched in class, from the Cold War series, available via youtube:

Classwork for next Monday:

We will be preparing the two debates in your class booklet, on the 'Truman Doctrine' page.

The first debate is The USA was to blame for the Cold War.

Prop - Tao/Zara/Migara/Sofia
Opp - Tarin/Seth/Sihir

The second is The USA should have followed a policy of compromise and conciliation not confrontation and containment.

Prop - Shakeel/Yumna/Muneera/Malaak
Opp - Faheem/Minol/Malak/Dina

Change to homework - we will actually prepare the debates in class and conduct on Monday.

Homework will be an essay which I will set tomorrow, for submission on Wednesday 4th October. The essay is the scaffolded one in your booklets, near the end of the Origins of the Cold War chapter.

"The main cause of the Cold War was Harry Truman and his policy of containing Communism".

Follow the instructions as given, spend a good 90 minutes producing your essay. Hand it in Wednesday so I have time to mark it and get it back to you before the midterm exam.


  1. Sir, do we need to write for all of the points given for the essay on Containment, or only some of them?

  2. Replies
    1. Please cover all of the points, as you will be expected to know them all for the midterm. Also, handwritten is preferable as this will again be good practice for the midterms.


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