Form 4 Week 9

Hi Form 4!

This week we will try to finish our study of the Cold War in the 1950s.

Just a reminder that the PowerPoint on the Thaw, and Khrushchev, and Coexistence, can be found here:

And the Hungary powerPoint:

Your homework this week is to write the practice essay, using colour coding, found on the last page of the 1950s section in your work booklets - "The main reason for the Soviet Union's invasion of Hungary in 1956 was the Hungarian Revolution." How far do you agree? Explain your answer.

The essay is due NEXT MONDAY and should be 2-4 pages long.

Use the notes from today, and also p.402-403 of your textbooks.

And the video of the Cold War episode (the last 18 minutes are on Hungary):

You can also access the relevant text from the chapter of the Odd Arne Westad book The Cold War, here:

The links we used this week:

