Form 4 Week 10

Hi Form 4!

This week - we will look at the Berlin Wall, and move on to Cuba.

Homework - Monday - revise your notes for a short-answer test on Wednesday (everything in the revision notes I gave you, or you can find them here: )

Your HW for Wednesday (due next Monday) is to:

1) Complete the Khrushchev and Kennedy source work in your booklets - the source extracts by Frank Roberts and William Smyser;

2) Complete the source activity on the Causes of the Cuban Missile Crisis from your booklets - the four sources by Khrushchev and Kennedy:

Some interesting links on the Berlin Wall: 

Newsround article (for young teenagers) -
JFK and the Jelly Doughnut video:
BBC Bitesize article:
Very in-depth historical site on the Wall:

And the episode of Cold War on the Wall:

And a story about the first (well, most famous) animal casualty of the Space Race:
