Form 4 Week 4 Lent Term

Hi everyone

This week we will start the subtopic on the Chinese Civil War and Mao's ascendancy.

The two videos we watched in class:

Your homework this week - 

Read the pages in your booklets all about Mao, from the author Jung Chang and her husband Jon Halliday's Mao: the Unknown Story.

(Jung's parents were targeted and humiliated by the Maoist government during the Cultural Revolution - her book is banned in China).

Highlight any information about Mao.

Use your highlighted information to build a one-A4 page profile of Mao. It should be in the form of a spider diagram or a mind map. You can list personality traits, flaws, achievements or failures of Mao, according to Jung's analysis.

Due next Monday.

News story about Mao-style reeducation camps for the Uighur population:
