Form 4 Week 3 Lent Term

Hi Form 4,

This week we will be looking at the Warlord Period and rise of the KMT/GMD and CCP from 1911 to 1934.

In class on Monday we used our textbooks pp.8-14 to look at:

  • The causes of the 1911 Revolution (weak government, failed reforms, rise of revolutionary ideas, economic problems, taxation, anti-imperialist feeling, ineffective leadership)
  • The consequences of the Revolution (replacement of imperial system with a republic, replacement of Sun-Yat Sen with General Yuan, rise of warlords, collapse of central government)
  • The rising appeal of the KMT and CCP:

Three Principles - democracy, nationalism, welfare and nationalisation
Modern values
Charismatic leader
Central authority, unified China


Success of Russian Revolution
Anti-capitalist and anti-exploitation of workers
Modern values
Charismatic leadership
Central authority, unified China

We also studied the Warlord sources in your booklets, to gain an insight into the terrors of living under brutal warlords.

Homework this week:

Complete the two questions from your booklets on Sheet B4.1 "Change"

1) Explain TWO ways in which China was different after the 1911 Revolution from before the Revolution.

Spend 20-30 mins on this and follow the instructions in your booklets.

2) In what ways did the KMT change in the years 1911-1934?

Spend 60 mins on this.

Due next Monday.

Links from class:

Map of China's historical periods:

News stories on China from the Guardian:

Other news stories:

Drop in China births -
