Form 4 Week 6 Lent Term

Hi Form 4

Well done on your midterm last week, hopefully you can see where improvements are needed and keep practising your essay writing. The main issue most of you had was that even though you focused on CHANGE, you needed to show the EXTENT and EVOLUTION of that change over time.

This week we will move on to the Civil War 1946-49.

The last 40 minutes or so of this documentary give a good summary of the end of the Sino-Japanese War, and the course of the Civil War:

Our spider diagram from Wednesday:

Homework this week:

1) In your booklets - complete the map of China during the Sino-Japanese War. Spend 30 mins on this.

Some resources to help you:

1931 Invasion of Manchuria map -

Youtube video showing the entire Sino-Japanese War in map form:

2) In your booklets - practice questions on the Sino-Japanese War - source questions title 'the War With Japan'. Spend 45 minutes on these two questions. On lined paper please.

Due next Monday.
