Form 1 Week 7

Hi Form 1!

This week we will be moving on from the structure of Roman society and government, and looking at the political crisis that emerged in the 1st century BCE when powerful patricians began to jostle for dominance.

We will be reading about Julius Caesar and Pompey, and comparing their personalities and achievements, and actions and motivations.

Their biographies are here:



And here is the document we filled out in class: 

The Great People of History slideshow is here:

We will complete some activities in class around these biographies.

NB - Here is the document on how to write an essay:

Homework this week -

Your homework this week is to catch up on all previous homework that you may have missed.

Most of you also need to complete a cover page in your books.

See me if you are unsure which homework you have missed.

If you have done all of your homework - great, have a restful holiday!

Here is a brief biography of Caesar: 



  1. Black Knight - I didn't publish your comment as I wanted to keep your email address private - the work for this week is all on the blog. Thanks

  2. Sir could you please post the Model Essay notes? Thnx


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