All Classes - Week 12 - Revision Week

Hi Forms 1, 2 and 5!

This week is revision week.

Your study notes are available in the sidebar of the blog.

Form 1 needs to revise the two sets of Rome notes.

Here is a video on the Punic Wars (there are multiple other parts to this video):

Form 2 needs to revise the three sets of French Revolution notes.

Here's the questions we did in class on Tuesday:

Form 2 here is the Napoleon worksheet we did on Friday:

Form 5 needs to revise all of the USA notes, from the Roaring 20s to Civil Rights in the 50s (6 sets of notes).

Form 1 and 2 - we will go through exactly what you need to know in class today and tomorrow.

Form 5 - we will quickly cover the Bus Boycott and MLK and Little Rock in class tomorrow.

Form 5 resources:

Article about MLK:

Bio of MLK from the MLK Center: 

Short bio of MLK:

Montgomery Bus Boycott: 

Little Rock: 

Crash Course - Civil Rights:
