Form 2 Week 4 Lent

Hi Form 2

This week we will take a more detailed look at the progression of Nazi persecution of the Jews in the 1930s.

Use pages 23-26 of your textbooks to write down all of the restrictions placed on Jews between 1933 and 1939.

Then, give each a rating of 0-10 for the level of repression this represents. For example, banning Jewish lawyers from Berlin might be a 3/10; Kristallnacht, a state-sponsored pogrom, might rate 8 or 9.

Homework: Plot the restrictions onto a scatter graph (we will start these in class).

The x-axis should be 28 centimetres long and every 4cm represents each year from 1933-1939.

The y-axis should be 15cm long and each 1.5 cm should be marked off, for a scale of 0-10.

We will go through how to do this in class.

Due: Wednesday next week.

Quite a bit in the news as Holocaust Survivors' Day was a couple of days ago:

Story on Poland denying complicity in the Holocaust:

Story on Hitler's ideas about expanding the Holocaust to Canada and the US:

Story on the new Holocaust museum in Budapest:
