Form 1 Week 8 Summer Term

Hi Form 1!

This week we will get to enjoy everyone's class presentations.

We will also look at King Dutugemunu, using this handout:

Homework: We will have a short-answer test in class on our second set of study notes (the Anuradhapura Kingdom).

I'll hand the notes out in class, also they can be found here:

No need to learn all of the buildings (final page of the notes).  Just the first three pages.

Test will be Monday 17th June (Group A) and Tuesday 18th June (Group B).



  1. Hi Sir I hope you're doing fine~
    But for the test, do we have to learn the dates as well?

    1. There will only be one or two date questions, and they won't be exact years, rather, periods of time, so don't get too hung up on learning all of the dates by any means. More important to know who the kings were and what they achieved in their reigns


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