Form 4 Week 7 Lent Term

Hi Form 4,

This week we will begin looking at Communist China in the 1950s, focusing on land reform, domestic policies such as collectivisation and industrialisation, and foreign policy.

(Here's a link to a PPT on the Civil War, by the way:

The video we watched in class on China in the Cold War can be found here:

Your homework this week - further practice for the exam. These questions will cover the first half of the topic, and help you practise your written responses on change over time in China.

Practice exam questions - for next Monday

1. Explain two ways in which the Chinese Civil War was similar to the Northern Expedition (6 marks)

2. Explain two causes of the 1949 Chinese Revolution.(8 marks)

3. How far did the fortunes of the KMT/GMD change from 1911 to 1949? (16 marks)

You may mention:

the 1911 Revolution
