Form 4 Week 2 Summer Term

Hi Form 4, and welcome to a very truncated week of school.

This week we will cover Deng Xiaoping's reforms in greater detail.

We will also receive our second-last set of study notes for the China topic:

Here is the story we looked at on China's new 'Social Credit' initiative:

Your homework this week:

1) We will have a test on the Deng Xiaoping topic, next Wednesday (May 9th). Please spend 30 minutes reading over the notes (I will hand out hard copies of these if they are printed on time).

2) Answer the following two practice questions (spend about 25 minutes total on this):

a) Explain two ways in which China under Deng was different from China under Mao.

b) Explain two causes of the One Child Policy.

Due - next Wednesday.
