Form 4 Week 3 Summer Term

Hi everyone,

So...China is done and dusted, we will return to revising it next year, but from next week - USA! USA! USA!

If you didn't get the full 6-page notes on Deng and Tiananmen, please let me know.

I'll have your tests marked by Monday.

The essays I marked on foreign influence on China were overall pretty good. The two main general pieces of feedback are -

a) Try to judge HOW MUCH things changed - was it a lot? a little? more than this? less than that? try measuring it against some criteria that you set.

b) In your introduction and conclusion, and throughout your essay, try to link back to a 'big picture' theme. For example, this essay might have a larger theme of expanding or declining Russian/Soviet influence over time; or an overall theme of Chinese reluctance to seek outside help, or a desire to seek economic support but eschew political support.

Homework this week:

Please complete the final essay in your China booklets - 'In what ways did China change under Deng Xiaoping'. mention agricultural policies, the Beijing Spring,and TWO other issues.

Due next Wednesday.

Finally, for your viewing pleasure - the PBS documentary, Tankman:
