Form 4 Holiday Projects: Roaring Twenties

Hi Form 4,

Hope you have a great holiday!

To enhance your enjoyment of it even more, you will be creating a project on the Roaring Twenties.

The outline for the project is on the last page of the Roaring Twenties chapter in your class booklet.

To make things a bit easier - you DON'T have to cover the Scopes Monkey Trial at all, we will do that in class.

It's due on the first day back at school.

Some more guidelines to help you:

·         You have to cover every topic but are encouraged to focus on areas that especially interest you
·         Everything must be written in your own words: anyone found to have copied even one sentence straight from the internet will be given 0/40 for content
·         Clear, concise explanation in your own words, showing your own opinions, will earn many more marks that long passages paraphrased from the internet
·         You should avoid writing in paragraphs and are encouraged to make information stand out through varied presentation – bullet points, tables, captioned photos, quotes, biographies, mock interviews; some past students have included their own drawings of 20s fashion & Art etc.
·         In-depth features of areas you are interested in will help to make the period come alive
·         The projects should be done on computer: there should be an overall design so the pages look consistent; pictures should be large, well-chosen and captioned
·         The projects should convey the excitement of the Roaring 20s and your own interest in it
