Form 1 Week 4

Hi Form 1,

This week we will finish the Punic Wars and start on Rome's political and social system.

The Social Organisation PPT is here:

The video we watched can be found here:

Homework this week:

After the video, we will briefly dicuss how Rome was able to win the Punic Wars.

Your homework is to write a one-page minimum essay answering this question:

How did Rome win the Punic Wars?

An essay should have an introduction, three paragraphs on three different points; and a conclusion

Your points could include: leadership and politics; battle strategy and tactics; economic factors such as wealth; conquest of territory; alliances...

Don't worry if you're not confident writing essays, this is to give me an idea of how you are with them so we can hone our skills as a class.

Due: Tuesday next week (1A); Wednesday next week (1B)


  1. Sir do we type the essay or do we have to write it?

    1. hand written is better as this is good practice for the exam

  2. Sir I have written notes in my book about the Hannibal film so is that ok?

  3. Sorry I accidentally deleted a comment from someone about when the worksheet was due for group B - wasn't sure what worksheet - maybe post your comment again? Thanks

  4. Sir is it okay if i did SOME outside research as well for the How Did Rome Win The Punic Wars essay?


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