Form 2 Week 4

Hi Form 2

This week we will continue to investigate the causes of the French Revolution.

We will also revisit the DATA method for analysing sources. See this worksheet for more info:

This is the worksheet we will use in class:

Homework this week:

Complete the second cartoon on the DATA source worksheet we did in class - annotate the cartoon with 5 labels, and complete the DATA analysis (Date, Author, Type, Audience).

Then - do the same for these four sources from your textbooks (do this in your class books; add the labels as bullet points rather than labelling in your textbooks!)

Source 1:  engraving on page 16
Source 2: painting on page 19
Source 3: source on page 14 written by Mercier
Source 4: painting on page 34

Then - answer the following questions in one to two paragraphs.

What do the two cartoons (A and B) and the other four sources (1-4) tell us about the causes of the French Revolution?

Due: next Wednesday

Board notes from Wednesday


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