Form 1 Week 4 Lent

Hi Form1,

This week we will move on to the Second and Third Crusades.

We will copy the Crusader States map from p.20 of our textbooks, and use it as the basis for a diagram showing some of the main features of the Crusader states from 1100 onwards.

Homework this week is to read pp.22-23, and then complete the questions on p.23. Make sure your answers are at least a few sentences long (up to a paragraph each for Q2 and Q4b), written in full sentences.

Due: Wednesday next week (1A) and Tuesday next week (1B).

News story from recently on the Third Crusade:

Unification: Saladin and the Fall of Jerusalem

The Crusades: An Arab Perspective is a four-part documentary series telling the dramatic story of the crusades seen through Arab eyes, from the seizing of Jerusalem under Pope Urban II in 1099, to its recapture by Salah Ed-Din (also known as Saladin), Richard the Lionheart's efforts to regain the city, and the end of the holy wars in 1291.


  1. Sir do we have to remember the dates for each crusade and event ?

  2. Sir do we need to know the dates or the key dates for the exam?
    If so could you tell us closer to exams?

    1. Any dates you need to know will be in the study notes - key dates will be the years of the 9 Crusades, plus events like the Clermont speech (1095) and capture of Jerusalem (1076).


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