Form 1 Week 8 Lent

Hi Form 1

This week we will finish our Crusades presentations as follows:

Monday - Maria and Amaya; Vidur, Savith and Raveen
Tuesday - Esme and Clare; Rachel and Mindy; Shania, Aneeha and Ayari
Thursday - Felix, Ilaan and Liam

I would also like to share some of your presentations on the blog, I'll ask permission from groups this week.

We will also summarise the nine crusades in a table form, using this template:

Homework this week:

Here is your second set of study notes (copies to be handed out in class this week)

Please revise the first two pages - up to The Third Crusade.

Next Monday and Tuesday (Week 9) we will have a short-answer test on these two pages of notes in class. 

